Deprecate AWS ECR
  • 28 Feb 2024
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Deprecate AWS ECR

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Article summary

The integration support for the Dataloop platform with Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Container Registry (ECR) has been discontinued.

This means that the functionality which allowed Dataloop to interact directly with AWS ECR—for purposes such as pulling images or managing container repositories—will no longer be available to users. Consequently, any features, references, or capabilities related to AWS ECR integration have been systematically removed from various aspects of the Dataloop platform. Specifically:

  • Dataloop User Interface (UI): Any options, menus, or settings within the Dataloop UI that previously enabled users to manage or configure AWS ECR integration have been eliminated. Users will no longer find AWS ECR as an available option in the platform's interface.
  • Documentation: All documentation, guides, and support materials that provided instructions, descriptions, or help related to the integration of Dataloop with AWS ECR have been updated. References to AWS ECR integration have been removed to reflect the current capabilities of the platform accurately.

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