3D Cuboid
  • 03 Jun 2024
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3D Cuboid

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Article summary


The tool is designed to annotate objects in 3D point clouds with cuboid-shaped bounding boxes. These bounding boxes represent the spatial extent and orientation of objects within the three-dimensional scene.

Annotators use the 3D Cuboid Annotation Tool to draw a cuboid around an object of interest in a 3D point cloud. This cuboid typically represents the minimum bounding box that encloses the object while providing information about its three-dimensional size.

The 3D Cuboid Annotation Tool is especially valuable when dealing with objects that have a three-dimensional structure, such as vehicles, buildings, etc.

Only on LiDAR Annotation Studio

3D Cuboid annotations are supported only on the Lidar Annotation Studio.

Create Cuboid Annotation

  1. Select the Cube 3D annotation tool from the annotation tools.
  2. On the canvas, use the left mouse click and drag the cuboid you wish to annotate.

A cuboid will be created, the annotation will be added to the annotations list. Subsequently, the canvas will display the annotation.

Additional Cuboid options:

  • Snap to Ground: By default, this option is active. A new annotated cuboid will be annotated adjunct to the ground while active. This option allows fixation on the ground.

  • Show cuboid axis: Enable it to display the cuboid axes on the canvas. This feature enables the visual representation of the cuboid's axes for better orientation and editing.

Directional Heading

The directional heading arrow intends to allow the annotator to indicate the ego vehicle facing.
The annotator can adjust the direction of the arrow by rotating the cuboid.

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