Audit Logs
  • 30 May 2024
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Audit Logs

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Article summary


The audit log is a security-relevant chronological set of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific entity in the Dataloop platform.

Who can view Audit Logs?

Only the Organization Owner, Administrator, or Member can view the Audit Logs page.

Audit Log

By default, the audit log page lists all traced operations in the last seven days. Listed at the Organization level, the details include the project name in which the operation took place, the entity ID, name & type, the user operating and the date & time in which the operation took place.

You can use the filters located at the top of the page to search for operations that meets your criteria:

  • Filter by Entity ID: Enter the entity ID and press Refresh to see all related events.
  • Filter by Entity Type: See below the list of supported entities.
  • Filter by Action: Update or Delete.
  • Filter by User: Select a user from the dropdown to see all their actions.
  • Filter by Dates Range: By default, the page lists all events logged in the past 7 days.

Select a different date-span and click Apply Filters to apply, and view all corresponding events.

Supported Entities

The audit log includes operation records for the following Dataloop entities:

3Assignments13Project Guests
8Packages18DPK (Dataloop Packages)


The Logins tab of the Audit Logs page records user login logs that track and document when users access the Dataloop platform. It records the user login email, organization role, and timestamp.

You can use the filters located at the top of the page to search for operations that meets your criteria:

  • Filter by dates range: By default, the page lists all events logged in the past 7 days. Select a different date-span and click Apply Filters to apply, and view all corresponding events.
  • Filter by user: Select a user from the list to see all their actions
  • Filter by Role: Select a user role from the list to view all their actions. The available roles are Owner, Admin, Member, and Worker.

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