- 17 Feb 2025
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EXIF Orientation Value
- Updated On 17 Feb 2025
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EXIF (exchangeable image file format) data contains information about the image's parameters (for example, shutter speed, date, time, orientation value, etc.). This information is stored in the image file.
When an image is viewed on the Dataloop platform, Dataloop reads the EXIF orientation value based on the EXIF Metadata and auto-rotates the image to present it in the way it was viewed, regardless of camera rotation.
Valid EXIF values are 1 to 8. Values outside this range (for example, 0) are ignored.
The following examples demonstrate EXIF orientation values:
It is important to remember that the annotations' x and y position values are relative to the image as it is presented on the screen at the time of annotation.
Since some systems ignore EXIF values (such as OpenCV) and others auto-rotate images regardless of EXIF values (Chrome browser) for the x and y coordinates of an annotation to have meaningful values. We strongly advise uploading images to the Dataloop platform that are already in the desired rotation, to avoid needing EXIF value interpretation.
The image thumbnails are not auto-rotated on the dataset browser.
EXIF on Annotations
For better compatibility and accuracy, the EXIF value used during annotation work is saved in the annotation metadata. For annotation metadata details, read here.