GIS Item JSON Format
  • 17 Feb 2025
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GIS Item JSON Format

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Article summary


The GIS Item JSON structure in Dataloop provides a comprehensive format that encapsulates all necessary data and metadata for each annotated entity within the system. This structure is designed to represent an 'Item' — a core data unit in Dataloop's platform — and its associated information for annotation purposes. Here’s a breakdown based on the provided content:

JSON Structure

Each data entity in Dataloop’s system has a dedicated JSON format that encapsulates the item’s data and metadata, enabling efficient tracking, access, and management within the platform. This JSON file is essential for exporting or downloading item annotations and can be accessed for detailed inspection or integration purposes.

GIS Item JSON Format

    "type": "gis",                              //For the type of Web Map Item, it should be GIS only and mandatory
    "shebang": "dataloop",                      //For the type of Web Map Item, it should be dataloop only and mandatory
    "metadata": {
        "dltype": "gis"                         //For the type of Web Map Item, it should be gis only and mandatory
    "layer": {                                  // Representing the Tile Layer - it's a mandatory layer object
        "name": "OpenStreetMap",
        "type": "xyz",                          // Currently supporting "xyz", "osm" and "cog" types only
        "url": "{z}/{x}/{y}?auth_token=fM68PVOJO8p5m2sPo4Cqdcoi4sLSsecR&datatype_name=vexcel_urban_vertical_jpg"
    "optionalLayers":                           // Representing the Optional Layers array, which can have multiple layers("xyz", "osm" and "cog")
            "name": "OpenStreetMap",
            "type": "osm",
            "url": ""
    "zoom":20,                                  // It's an optional zoom level, which can be between 0 to 28
    "minZoom":0,                                // It's an optional min zoom level, which can be between 0 to 28
    "maxZoom":30,                               // It's an optional max zoom level, which can be between 1 to 28
    "epsg":"4326",                              // Representing the file's Coordinate System . (3857, 3035, 4326)
    "bounds": [                                 // The coordinates that represents the (square) area within the map that the user can view, and should add/edit the annotations. I.e. the bounds where the projection is valid. Optional field.
        [-118.33559370040894, 33.82662439264756],//top left
        [-118.33497619628906, 33.82610016009953]//bottom    right
    "aoi": [                                    // Coordinates representing the Area of Interest -- The areas within the bounds of the tile layer, where I allow to create annotations. I.e. the “boarders of the canvas”. Optional field. 
        [-118.33545684814453, 33.826504880358854],
        [-118.33545684814453, 33.82621967238824],
        [-118.33511352539062, 33.82621967238824],
        [-118.33511352539062, 33.826504880358854],
        [-118.33545684814453, 33.826504880358854]

Field Definitions

Key NameDefinitionParent Key
typeSpecifies that the Web Map Item type is GIS.N/A
shebangA fixed identifier indicating that the data structure is in Dataloop's format.N/A
metadataStores additional metadata about the Web Map Item.N/A
dltypeFor the type of Web Map Item, it should be gis only and mandatorymetadata
layerRepresenting the Tile Layer - it's a mandatory layer objectN/A
nameName of the base map layer.layer
typeDefines the tile layer type.layer
urlURL template for the tile source.layer
optionalLayersArray of additional tile layers that can be used alongside the base layer.N/A
nameName of the optional map layeroptionalLayers
typeType of the optional layer ("xyz", "osm", "cog")optionalLayers
urlURL for the tile sourceoptionalLayers
zoomDefines the initial zoom level of the map.N/A
minZoomDefines the minimum zoom level allowed.N/A
maxZoomDefines the maximum zoom level allowed.N/A
epsgSpecifies the Coordinate Reference System (CRS). 4326 → WGS 84 (Latitude/Longitude), 3857 → Web Mercator, and 3035 → Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area.N/A
boundsDefines the bounding box that limits the map area where users can view or edit annotations. First value: [longitude, latitude] (Top-left corner), and Second value: [longitude, latitude] (Bottom-right corner)N/A
aoiDefines the Area of Interest (AOI), which is the section of the map where annotations are allowed. I.e. the “boarders of the canvas”. Optional field.N/A

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