Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format
- 09 Jun 2024
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Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format
- Updated On 09 Jun 2024
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This page describes Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON, a data format for describing Instance Segmentation Annotation data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
For more information, see the Instance Segmentation Studio.
This JSON code includes the entity's data related to our software and its metadata.
Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format
"annotations": [
"id": "65ae53c8b5dc142dea5608d7",
"datasetId": "659c02254e4bf8bb34f44bf8",
"itemId": "659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601",
"url": "",
"item": "https:/",
"dataset": "",
"type": "binary",
"label": "Pepper",
"attributes": [],
"metadata": {
"system": {
"status": null,
"startTime": 0,
"endTime": 0,
"frame": 0,
"endFrame": 1,
"snapshots_": [],
"promptId": null,
"parentId": null,
"clientId": "0c999d9f-f11a-4115-8280-e22f86e65ddf",
"automated": false,
"objectId": 1,
"attributes": {},
"system": false,
"itemLinks": [],
"openAnnotationVersion": "1.74.0-rc.80",
"recipeId": "659c022668352b94a5f1f1a8"
"user": {}
"creator": "",
"createdAt": "2024-01-22T11:38:48.838Z",
"updatedBy": "",
"updatedAt": "2024-01-22T11:54:54.279Z",
"hash": "659c02254e4bf8bb34f44bf8_659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601_Pepper_lior@dataloop.ai_1",
"source": "ui",
"_id": "659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601",
"filename": "/houcine-ncib-B4TjXnI0Y2c-unsplash.jpg",
"metadata": {
"system": {
"channels": 3,
"encoding": "7bit",
"height": 6016,
"isBinary": true,
"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
"originalname": "houcine-ncib-B4TjXnI0Y2c-unsplash.jpg",
"refs": [],
"size": 3174641,
"taskStatusLog": [],
"thumbnailId": "659c0f86bb6c896a7389efa3",
"width": 4000
Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Fields Description
Key Name | Definition | Parent Key |
id | Annotations ID | annotations |
datasetId | Dataset ID | annotations |
type | Annotation type | annotations |
label | The annotation's label/class | annotations |
attributes |
| annotations |
metadata | This key holds all of the annotation information | annotations |
system | This key holds all of the annotation system information | metadata |
status | QA status for annotation | system |
startTime | The start time of the annotation in video items | system |
endTime | The end time of the annotation in video items | system |
frame | The first frame of the annotation in video items | system |
endFrame | The end frame of the annotation in video items | system |
snapshots_ | Snapshot information Relevant for video annotation | system |
parentId | The ID of parent annotation | system |
objectId | The annotation's Object ID | system |
automated | If the frame is automated | system |
openAnnotationVersion | product version | system |
user | Metadata that can be added by user via SDK | annotations |
creator | Annotation creator | annotations |
createdAt | Annotation creation date and time | annotations |
updatedBy | Annotation edits by user name | annotations |
updatedAt | Annotation edits date and time | annotations |
itemId | Item/image ID | annotations |
url | API url for annotation | annotations |
item | API url for image item | annotations |
dataset | API url for dataset | system |
hash | Used to map the item’s data to a string of arbitrary size | system |
source | Where the annotation was created: UI/SDK | system |
coordinates | Annotation position coordinates | system |
_id | Item/image ID | N/A |
filename | Name of the file | N/A |
encoding | Click here - to learn about encoding. | system |
height | Image resolution | system |
isBinary | Is the item a binary file | system |
mimetype | The mime type of the file | system |
originalname | The filename of the JSON | system |
refs | The references of the task | system |
size | File size | system |
thumbnailId | Thumbnail id | system |
width | Image resolution | system |