Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format
  • 09 Jun 2024
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Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format

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This page describes Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON, a data format for describing Instance Segmentation Annotation data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

For more information, see the Instance Segmentation Studio.

This JSON code includes the entity's data related to our software and its metadata.

Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Format

"annotations": [
			"id": "65ae53c8b5dc142dea5608d7",
			"datasetId": "659c02254e4bf8bb34f44bf8",
			"itemId": "659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601",
			"url": "",
			"item": "https:/",
			"dataset": "",
			"type": "binary",
			"label": "Pepper",
			"attributes": [],
			"metadata": {
				"system": {
					"status": null,
					"startTime": 0,
					"endTime": 0,
					"frame": 0,
					"endFrame": 1,
					"snapshots_": [],
					"promptId": null,
					"parentId": null,
					"clientId": "0c999d9f-f11a-4115-8280-e22f86e65ddf",
					"automated": false,
					"objectId": 1,
					"attributes": {},
					"system": false,
					"itemLinks": [],
					"openAnnotationVersion": "1.74.0-rc.80",
					"recipeId": "659c022668352b94a5f1f1a8"
				"user": {}
			"creator": "",
			"createdAt": "2024-01-22T11:38:48.838Z",
			"updatedBy": "",
			"updatedAt": "2024-01-22T11:54:54.279Z",
			"hash": "659c02254e4bf8bb34f44bf8_659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601_Pepper_lior@dataloop.ai_1",
			"source": "ui",
	"_id": "659c0f85880e1b1890fd5601",
	"filename": "/houcine-ncib-B4TjXnI0Y2c-unsplash.jpg",
	"metadata": {
		"system": {
			"channels": 3,
			"encoding": "7bit",
			"height": 6016,
			"isBinary": true,
			"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
			"originalname": "houcine-ncib-B4TjXnI0Y2c-unsplash.jpg",
			"refs": [],
			"size": 3174641,
			"taskStatusLog": [],
			"thumbnailId": "659c0f86bb6c896a7389efa3",
			"width": 4000

Instance Segmentation Annotation JSON Fields Description

Key NameDefinitionParent Key
idAnnotations IDannotations
datasetIdDataset IDannotations
typeAnnotation typeannotations
labelThe annotation's label/classannotations
  • Annotation 1.0 format – list of annotation attributes
  • Annotation 2.0 format – dictionary of annotation attributes
metadataThis key holds all of the annotation informationannotations
systemThis key holds all of the annotation system informationmetadata
statusQA status for annotationsystem
startTimeThe start time of the annotation in video itemssystem
endTimeThe end time of the annotation in video itemssystem
frameThe first frame of the annotation in video itemssystem
endFrameThe end frame of the annotation in video itemssystem
snapshots_Snapshot information Relevant for video annotationsystem
parentIdThe ID of parent annotationsystem
objectIdThe annotation's Object IDsystem
automatedIf the frame is automatedsystem
openAnnotationVersionproduct versionsystem
userMetadata that can be added by user via SDKannotations
creatorAnnotation creatorannotations
createdAtAnnotation creation date and timeannotations
updatedByAnnotation edits by user nameannotations
updatedAtAnnotation edits date and timeannotations
itemIdItem/image IDannotations
urlAPI url for annotationannotations
itemAPI url for image itemannotations
datasetAPI url for datasetsystem
hashUsed to map the item’s data to a string of arbitrary sizesystem
sourceWhere the annotation was created: UI/SDKsystem
coordinatesAnnotation position coordinatessystem
_idItem/image IDN/A
filenameName of the fileN/A
encodingClick here - to learn about encoding.system
heightImage resolutionsystem
isBinaryIs the item a binary filesystem
mimetypeThe mime type of the filesystem
originalnameThe filename of the JSONsystem
refsThe references of the tasksystem
sizeFile sizesystem
thumbnailIdThumbnail idsystem
widthImage resolutionsystem