Instance Semantic 3D
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Instance Semantic 3D

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Article summary


Instance segmentation annotation involves color-coding the pixels within an image or, in the case of LiDAR data, the point clouds. As the name suggests, instance segmentation focuses on annotating individual instances, enabling the differentiation of objects that might share the same label.
Instances feature allows annotators to add more annotations using the same label.

  • Instance Semantic is supported only on the Lidar Annotation Studio.
  • You can create a new instance, even if there are no segmented points.
  • When an annotation is added, the instance will exist, but it will not contain any segmented pixels.

Create Instance Semantic Annotation with Brush Applicator

To activate instance semantic annotation using the brush applicator, follow these steps:

  1. Select the label from the label picker.
  2. Click Add Instance. An annotation is created in the annotation list.
  3. Select the Instance Semantic icon represented by a brush from the annotation list.
  4. Utilize the left mouse button to delineate and segment the specific points or objects of interest on the canvas.
  5. Utilize the Brush Size to customize the brush size according to your preference.

Erase Brush Instance Semantic Annotations

To activate instance semantic annotation using the brush applicator, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Brush and Eraser icons from the Semantic Tools.
  2. Identify the brush annotation and utilize the left mouse button to erase it. The annotation will be deleted from the annotation list.
  3. Utilize the Eraser Size to customize the eraser size according to your preference.

Create Instance Semantic Annotation with 3D Polygon Applicator

3D polygon annotations extend the concept of marking areas of interest into the three-dimensional space. The annotation of LiDAR data involves the utilization of the 3D polygon tool, particularly in cases of instance segmentation where the same tool is employed.

  1. Select the label from the label picker.
  2. Click Add Instance. An annotation is created in the annotation list.
  3. Select the Polygon to Instance tool under the instance semantic section.
  4. Create the outlines of your annotation by clicking with the left-mouse button. In the polygon, the first point is marked in green to indicate it is the first point.
  5. Complete the polygon by connecting the first point to the last point, or click Enter. Upon completing the outline, the instance semantic annotation will be generated.

Erase 3D Polygon Instance Semantic Annotations

To activate instance semantic annotation using the brush applicator, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Polygon to Instance and Eraser icons from the Semantic Tools.
  2. Identify the polygon annotation and utilize the left mouse button to erase it.
  3. Complete the polygon by connecting the first point to the last point, or click Enter. Upon completing the outline, the annotation will be deleted from the annotation list.

Instance Semantic JSON Output

The following JSON output provided is part of a semantic indexing system for organizing data by frames. Specifically:

"semanticIndex": {
				"type": "index",
				"frames": {
					"5": [
  • semanticIndex: Labels the structure as a semantic index.
  • type: Indicates that this is an indexing system.
  • frames: Organizes the indexed data by frames.
  • 5: Refers to frame number 5, listing identifiers (like 3197, 3198, ... 3462) which likely represent specific objects or annotations within that frame.

Edit and Delete Annotation

Select the annotation from the annotation list.

  • To Edit: Hover over the annotation and click on the pencil icon to make the changes.
  • To Delete: Click on the Trash icon to delete.

Edit a Specific Instance

  1. Select the instance-annotation from the annotation list.
  2. To segment more points with this instance, keep annotating following the above instructions.

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