Project Dashboard
  • 11 Jul 2024
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Project Dashboard

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Article summary


A project is a high-level organizational entity that defines and contains a scope of work and entities, such as Datasets, Recipes, Labeling Tasks, Project Team, Applications, etc. It provides a centralized location for managing data, tasks, and annotations of a specific ML/AI development activity context. It enhances collaboration between team members, consistency of data and annotations, and tracking of progress and results.

  • Dataset: Stores the actual data items. A Dataset can store data items of different formats simultaneously, but it is recommended to assign a dataset by context. Datasets can be versioned by cloning and merging.
  • Recipe: The dataset has a standard ontology for storing labels and attributes and contains a recipe containing labeling instructions and settings.
  • Labeling Tasks: Labeling is formalized within a project by creating a labeling task for an entire dataset or specific items. Items that are completed by annotators (their current status is Completed) can then be assigned to a QA Task, for approval (status is Approved). If errors are found, an Issue is assigned to an annotation, which sends it back to the original annotator for correction. The corrected annotation is assigned for review, if it is corrected, mark it as Approved.
  • Users: Users added to the project. They are from the organization that owns the project, for higher-level roles, or from other organizations (or, no organization at all). A project has one or more Project Owners and Developers. The project owner can add Annotation managers, who manage the day-to-day work of all Annotators.
  • Applications: Functions and services can be deployed to execute automatic processes over any entity of the Dataloop platform, including data items, annotations, tasks, datasets, and projects.

Project Dashboard

Dataloop widgets are small applications or programs that facilitate access to the most used functions. The following widgets are available in the Dashboard:


The Team widget displays:

  • The available users and their roles in the active Project,
  • Their Labeling Company names
  • Groups

You can also do the following actions based on your role permission:

  • Add Users
  • Add Groups
  • Add Labeling Company
  • Edit Users. It takes you to the Team page.
  • Number of Users, Groups, and Labeling Companies,

Data Management

The Data Management widget displays:

  • The available datasets
  • Items per datasets
  • Open tasks per datasets
  • Number of Datasets, Items, and Annotations.

You can do the following actions based on your role permission:

  • Create Dataset
  • Create Integration
  • Create Storage Driver

Also, you can do Dataset-specific actions, such as Rename Dataset, Clone Dataset, switch Recipe, etc.


The Pipeline widget displays:

  • Pipeline Names
  • Pipeline Status
  • Last Execution date and time
  • Pending Cycles

You can do the following actions based on your role permission:

  • Create Pipeline: Using a Template from the Marketplace
  • Create a Pipeline from scratch - Start from Scratch.
  • Click on the three dots to:
    • Go to the Pipeline page
    • Copy Pipeline ID
    • View Executions
    • View logs

Labeling Tasks

The Labeling Tasks widget displays:

  • Task Names
  • Task Types
  • Tasks' Status
  • Updated timestamp
  • Number of tasks, labeling tasks, and QA tasks.

You can do the following actions based on your role permission:

  • Create Task
  • Create Workflow via Pipeline. By default, it is disabled for roles, such as Annotation Manager, and below.
  • View Task Analytics
  • Edit and Delete Tasks

Creating a Project

When you first create an account and log in, you are provided with an option to begin your first project. If you do not have any projects, you will receive a notification to create one. If you are a member of an organization and have the permissions, you can also create a new project and become the project-owner. To create a new or extra project, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the project navigator located at the top of the page header and click on the project name → Add Project, or
  2. Click My Projects from the left-side menu.
  3. Click Add New Project. A popup window is displayed.
  4. Enter the name of the new project and click Confirm.

Project Configuration

It enables the control and activation of features that affect the entire project and apply to all relevant entities, such as recipes, tasks, datasets, etc. To access project settings:

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on Settings > Configuration. The Project Configuration popup is displayed.
    1. General:
      1. Enable/disable show task by org: When enabled, you can only view the tasks on the tasks page that are owned by you in your organization. This provides a certain ability to operate multiple labeling companies in the same project.
      2. Enable/disable force all users to remove status before editing annotations: When enabled, all users must remove the item status to edit the item. For more information, see the Status Overlay on Completed Items.
    2. Media:
      1. Enable/disable the WEBM format warning when using linked items.
      2. Frames Difference: This parameter specifies the tolerance to differences in frames that are produced during the conversion process when converting video files to WEBM format for frame-accurate annotations. While the default is set to 0 (zero), you can specify the tolerance level that will work best for your project's requirements to ensure frame-accurate annotations.
      3. FPS Difference: This parameter specifies tolerance in the frames-per-second difference between the original video file and the converted WEBM file, similarly frames-difference does. By default, 0.2 is displayed.
    3. Dataset Columns: The Dataloop platform allows you to customize the dataset columns as per the metadata information. For example, if a metadata field DayInWeek is to be added to the dataset column, follow the steps:
      1. Click Update Settings. The Datasets Custom Columns popup window is displayed.
      2. Click Add Column.
      3. Enter the Name, Label, Field, and Features such as link (whether it is a link), allow resizing, formatting, sorting, etc.
    4. Tasks Columns: The Dataloop platform allows you to customize the Tasks columns as per the metadata information. For example, if a metadata field <fieldName> is to be added to the dataset column, follow the steps:
      1. Click Update Settings. The Tasks Custom Columns popup window is displayed.
      2. Click Add Column.
      3. Enter Name, Label, Field, and Features such as link (whether it is a link), allow resizing, formatting, sorting, etc.

Project Actions

You can perform several project actions on the Project Dashboard page.

Set the Organization - Change an Existing Project's Organization

By default, the organization that creates a project is considered its owner. However, you can transfer ownership to a different organization, if required.

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Select the Set Organization from the list. It displays the Select Organization popup.
  4. Select the Organization to which you need to transfer ownership of the currently active project. The list contains all organizations you are a member of.

Copy the Project ID

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on the Details.
  3. Click on the Copy icon next to the Project ID.

Rename the Project

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on your project name.
  3. Enter a new name per the instructions, and press the Enter key.

View Project Resources

Project Resources helps you to understand more about the Dataloop platform. It includes documentation such as Developers, Rest API, Python SDK, Dataloop Documentation, and Video Tutorials.

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on the Project Resources.
  3. Select the documentation from the list as required.

Manage API Keys

API Keys are user-specific and manage your API Keys in My API Keys. Users with a Project-Owner role can also revoke any key in the project.

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click on the API Keys. The available keys are listed under the My API Keys.
  3. If you do not have any API key, click Generate New Key. You can generate up to 10 API keys.
  4. Enter a description to record the new API Key use case.
  5. Click Generate. The new API key will be created under the My API Key tab.

Manage Widgets

Dataloop allows you to manage your Project Dashboard widgets. By default, all the widgets are displayed.

To enable or disable a widget:

  1. Go to the Dashboard page.
  2. Click Manage Widgets. A drop-down popup is displayed.
  3. Click on the Toggle button to disable or enable the widget.

To rearrange a widget:

  1. Click and hold the Drag icon in the top center of the widget.
  2. Drag and drop to a new place as required.

Delete the Project

  1. Go to the Dashboard page from the left-side menu.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Click Delete Project. A confirmation message is displayed.
  4. Click Yes to confirm.

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