• 03 Jun 2024
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Article summary

This page describes RLHF JSON, a data format for describing RLHF data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).

For more information on RLHF Studio, see the RLHF Studio.

The RHLF Studio Item Format

It is built from two layers: a file layer and an annotation layer.
The file contains a list of prompts, and the annotations layer contains a list of responses per prompt.

File or Prompt Layer Format

The following format is a data structure example of a file that contains two prompts. The first prompt contains text and an image, and the second prompt contains text only.

	"shebang": "dataloop",
	"metadata": {
		"dltype": "prompt"
	"prompts": {
		"prompt1": [
				"mimetype": "application/text",
				"value": "What animal is in this image?"
				"mimetype": "image/jpeg",
				"value": "https://gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/6489600c8d5a1c350e55116a/stream"
		"prompt2": [
				"mimetype": "application/text",
				"value": "What is the eye color of this cat?"

Annotations or Response Layer Format

Data structure of a response.

  "id": "64899218661aa36a1744112c",
  "datasetId": "64885c4d71e85c4f03c3758c",
  "url": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/64899218661aa36a1744112c",
  "dataset": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/datasets/64885c4d71e85c4f03c3758c",
  "createdAt": "2023-06-14T10:10:32.863Z",
  "dir": "/image_prompts",
  "filename": "/image_prompts/flyingdog.json",
  "type": "file",
  "hidden": false,
  "metadata": {
    "system": {
      "encoding": "7bit",
      "isBinary": false,
      "mimetype": "application/json",
      "originalname": "flyingdog.json",
      "refs": [],
      "shebang": {
        "dltype": "prompt"
      "size": 161,
      "taskStatusLog": []
  "name": "flyingdog.json",
  "creator": "lior@dataloop.ai",
  "stream": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/64899218661aa36a1744112c/stream",
  "thumbnail": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/64899218661aa36a1744112c/thumbnail",
  "annotations": [
      "id": "64899219bf9b191be0acdd2c",
      "datasetId": "64885c4d71e85c4f03c3758c",
      "itemId": "64899218661aa36a1744112c",
      "url": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/annotations/64899219bf9b191be0acdd2c",
      "item": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/64899218661aa36a1744112c",
      "dataset": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/datasets/64885c4d71e85c4f03c3758c",
      "type": "binary",
      "label": "q",
      "coordinates": "https://rc-gate.dataloop.ai/api/v1/items/648992159b8b5e823eda9972/stream",
      "metadata": {
        "system": {
          "automated": true,
          "promptId": "first"
        "user": {
          "annotation_type": "prediction",
          "model": {
            "confidence": 0.9,
            "name": "model1"
          "stream": true
      "creator": "lior@dataloop.ai",
      "createdAt": "2023-06-14T10:10:33.092Z",
      "updatedBy": "lior@dataloop.ai",
      "updatedAt": "2023-06-14T10:10:33.092Z",
      "hash": "64885c4d71e85c4f03c3758c_64899218661aa36a1744112c_q_lior@dataloop.ai",
      "source": "sdk"
  "annotationsCount": 1,
  "annotated": true

RLHF JSON Fields Description

Key NameDefinitionParent Key
idAnnotation Idannotations
datasetIdDataset Idannotations
urlAPI URL of the annotationannotations
datasetAPI URL of the datasetannotations
createdAtDate and time when annotation was createdannotations
dirThe folder location where the JSON file is availableannotations
filenameName of the fileannotations
typeAnnotation typeannotations
hiddenWhether the annotation is hidden or notannotations
metadataInformation about the annotationannotations
systemAnnotation system informationmetadata
mimetypeThe mime type of the filesystem
originalnameThe filename of the JSONsystem
refsThe references of the tasksystem
shebang dltypeIt allows UI to present the annotation as LiDAR instead of a JSON type.system
sizeFile sizesystem
taskStatusLogLogs from the task.system
nameName of the fileannotations
creatorUser who created the annotationannotations
streamThe URL pointing to the item streamannotations
thumbnailThe URL pointing to the item thumbnailannotations
itemThe item IDannotations
labelthe label IDannotations
coordinatesAnnotation position coordinatesannotations
automatedTrue = Annotation created by automation processsystem
promptIdAn unique value to represent the responsesystem
userThe user who added the metadata via SDKmetadata
annotation_typeThe type of annotationuser
confidenceModel confidencemodel
namename of the modelmodel
streamWhether it is a stream data or notuser
creatorUser who created the annotationannotation
createdAtDate and time when annotation was createdannotations
updatedByUser who updated the annotationannotations
updatedAtDate and time when annotation was last updatedannotations
hashUsed to map annotation’s data to a stringannotations
sourceWhere the annotation was created: UI/SDKannotations
annotationCountNumber of annotationannotations