SDK Release Notes
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SDK Release Notes

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Article summary

October 15th, 2023

Clone Items to Existing Datasets

Added SDK support for cloning a Dataset to destination dataset. A DQL filter can be delivered to clone only specific items from the Dataset.

May 1st, 2023 - Version 1.76.15

Add support for Python 3.11

A support for Python 3.11 was added.

Cross-Account integration for AWS

Added SDK supports for creating cross-account integration for AWS, to yield higher security.
Eliminated the need for users to create and maintain IAM for use with the Dataloop platform. You can now assume the role of a Dataloop ARN.

For more information and detailed setup instructions, read here.

Bug Fix: Add/Update attributes in frames

Updating annotation attributes for a specific video frame and uploading a new annotation with a value set for its attribute was fixed.

# Example 1: When updating annotation
ann = item.annotations.list()[0]
ann.frames[50].attributes = {"1": True, "2": ["2"]}

# Example 2: When uploading annotation
    dl.Classification(label='person', attributes={"1": True, "2": ["2"]}),

Oct 25th, 2022 - Version 1.66.22

Pipeline: Create pulling task node

Starting from this version, you are able to create task node with a pulling allocation method in a pipeline from the SDK easily.
To enable pulling methold, you will have to define the pulling params in the task node param list:

1. batch_size
2. max_batch_workload (max items)

To read more about pulling task, including batch size and max batch workload , please click here

p = dl.pipelines.get(pipeline_id='632c4f428c9e0ece058f3caa')
n = dl.TaskNode(name="myTask",
                recipe_title="images Default Recipe",                
                workload=[dl.WorkloadUnit("", 50),
                          dl.WorkloadUnit("", 50) ],

Fix Uploading Items from YOLO & VOC Formats: Support Sub-directories

Uploading Items from YOLO and VOC formats now supports the following (COCO format is already supported):

When uploading a folder to a Dataloop dataset, if there are duplicate named files in any of the subfolders (same as in the root folder), please update the file names in the subfolder to include the relative path, in order to upload all files at once.
Duplicate named files in subfolders, that won't be updated, will be skipped.

For example:


Aug 8th, 2022 - Version 1.63.10

Item & Annotation Description Migration

From this release on, Item.description & `Annotation.description become root properties of item/annotation entities, and are removed from the system metadata.
Your action is required by to ensure continuous work. Please check our documentation to get updated with all the relevant implications here.

Driver Deletion

This release enables to use the SDK to delete a driver connected to the dataset. This is performed using the following:

project = dl.projects.get(project_id="<relevant project id>")
driver = project.drivers.get(driver_name='<relevant driver name>')
driver.delete(True, True)

July 25th, 2022 - Version 1.60.9

Revision of - Mask to JSON

Taking effect with this release, the default type of annotation download has changed from mask to JSON.

June 29th, 2022 - Version 1.59.4

Deprecation of "multi" parameter in Recipe Attributes 2.0

A deprecation of the “multi” parameter in function


is scheduled for the future SDK release of version 1.60.0.
Starting from this release (1.59.4), a deprecation warning will appear whenever this parameter is used.

multi is no longer needed to indicate attributes with multi/single selection:
To create a multiple selection Attribute (checkbox), use


To create a single selection Attribute (radio-button), use



Other available attributes types (won’t be affected): YESNO, FREETEXT, SLIDER (e-num).

Revision of - Mask to JSON

On future release of version 1.60.0, the default value of "annotation_options" parameter in function will be changed from [dl.ViewAnnotationOptions.MASK] to [dl.ViewAnnotationOptions.JSON].

Starting from this release (1.59.4), a deprecation warning will appear whenever this function is used.

Requirements Upgrade

Upgraded versions of the following libraries are now available:

  • diskcache>=5.4
  • redis>=4.3
  • aiohttp>=3.8 (to support redis update)

June 14th, 2022

Attribute 2.0 Creation in Recipe

Attribute 2.0, which supports checkbox, radio-button, free-text and more, can now be created and added to a recipe using the SDK.

For example:

recipe ='604e46143d5a53f65b3441e7')
ontology = recipe.ontologies.get(ontology_id='604e461472481317b3d32f54')
ontology.update_attributes(key='1', title='New Attribute', attribute_type=dl.AttributesTypes.CHECKBOX, values=[123])

Pipeline Reset

Resetting the pipeline clears all clounter, as well as pending items and cycles (logs and executions are not affected). By default it is not possible to reset a pipeline that is in Run mode, but it can be enforced using the stop_if_running=True option. Read more.

#To reset the pipeline:
project.pipelines.reset(pipeline='pipeline_entity', stop_if_running=True)

#To see the pipeline statistics:

Create Pulling Task

Pulling tasks (Labeling/QA) can now be created from the SDK, where each assignee is allocated with only X number of items at a time (batch size), and new items are pulled by demand, according to the progress of work, and considering parameters such as batch_size and max_batch_workload. Read more.

t = dataset.tasks.create(batch_size=3, allowed_assignees=[''], max_batch_workload=5, task_name='aa')

Repeating/Recurring status events

When creating a pipeline node and using the parameter repeatable=True, the pipeline will generate status events on items )for example: Completed, or Discarded) EVERY time an item receives a status in a specific node, and not just in the first time. For example if Discaring an item in a task, a matching status event will be triggered. Changing the item’s status to Completed will then trigger another event.

#This option is enabled by default.
metadata: {position: {x: 455, y: 235, z: 0}, repeatable: true}

For more examples, please read “Pipeline Task Node - Rerun”.

Annotation.geo() Deprecation

The annotation.geo() function for box representation will be revised to return 4 points instead of 2 points, due to be updated in SDK future version 1.62.0.
The results of annotation.geo() as of now:
[[378.12, 178.51], [682.81, 401.78]]
The results of annotation.geo() after the revision:
[[378.12, 178.51], [378.12, 401.78], [682.81, 401.78], [682.81, 178.51]]

April 5th, 2022

  • Remove Item/s from Task
    Now, items that are not in status "Completed" can be removed from a task.
def remove_items(self, filters: entities.Filters = None, query=None, items=None, wait=True):

A single item or multiple items can be removed from a task. For example:

t = dl.tasks.get(task_id='<task_id>')
items = list(t.get_items().all())
t.remove_items(items=[items[0], items[1]])
  • The Account field in Organization used to be list of dictionaries. Now it is a single dictionary.

  • "platform_url" and "open_in_web" have been added to dl.Filters. "platform_url" returns the link to item in the browser and "open_in_web" opens the item in the browser.

# platofrm_url
dataset = dl.datasets.get(None, '<dataset_id>')
dl.Filters('name', '<filename>').platform_url(dataset)

# open_in_web
dataset = dl.datasets.get(None, '<dataset_id>')
dl.Filters('name', '<filename>').open_in_web(dataset)
  • Use the function dl.AnnotationCollection.from_json_file(path) to create an annotation object from a JSON file and add an item to the annotation object.
item = dl.items.get(item_id='<item_id>')
annotations = dl.AnnotationCollection.from_json_file(filepath='<filepath>', item=item)
  • Use the item.resource_executions.list() function to get all the executions for an item:
item = project.items.get(item_id='<item_id>')
for page in item.resource_executions.list():
    for exec in page:

March 9th, 2022

Upload Annotations with User Metadata

To upload annotations from JSON and include the user metadata, add the parameter local_annotation_path to the dataset.items.upload function, like so:

dataset.items.upload(local_path=r'<items path>', local_annotations_path=r'<annotation json file path>', item_metadata=dl.ExportMetadata.FROM_JSON, overwrite=True)

Visit our SDK documentation for tutorials on Uploading and Managing Annotations.

March 2nd, 2022

SDK Converter Utility

The SDK converter utility documentation is available here.

Exporting Files with File Extension as Part of the Filename

Files can now be exported from the dataset with the file extension as part of the exported filename.

The export_version param in can be set to ExportVersion.V1 or ExportVersion.V2 to avoid duplication of files with different extensions. This allows items with the same filename and different extensions in the dataset to be saved as different items.

Old functionality (V1) – abc.jpg → annotations are saved as abc.png and the JSON is saved as abc.json

New functionality (V2) – abc.jpg → annotations are saved as abc.jpg.png and JSON is saved as abc.jpg.json

For example:<'path'>, annotation_options='json',

Param export_version will be set to ExportVersion.V1 by default.

For more information on the function click here.

Deleting a Recipe That Is Connected to a Dataset

If you wish to delete a recipe that is connected to a dataset, you must add the parameter force=True to the delete() function to be able to delete the recipe:

# This command is only for DELETED datasets'my_recipe_id').delete())

# To delete a recipe that is connected to a dataset, you must add the param force=True to the delete function

Click here for basic SDK commands affecting Recipes and Ontology.

See our repository for complete information on the Recipes class and delete function.

January 31st, 2022

  • The functions create() and create_qa_task() in class Tasks can take the parameter available_action to create an action/status for the task (e.g., complete, discard, approved).

  • Now, when adding a function to FaaS, you can add the parameter context to the function, and an object will be created for you with the following attributes:
context.service →  the service used
context.project → the project used
context.package → the package used
context.logger → the logger used
context.sdk → the dl object used
context.progress → the progress object used
context.task_id → the id of the task, in case it arrives from a specific task
context.task →  the task, in case it arrives from a specific task
context.assignment_id → the assignment id, in case it arrives from a specific task
context.assignment →  the assignment, in case it arrives from a specific task
context.item_status_creator → user who changed item status, in case of item status change
context.item_status → item status, in case of item status change
context.item_status_operation → the action, in case of item status change 
context.pipeline → pipeline
context.node → node 
context.execution → the specific execution
context.pipeline_execution → pipeline cycle execution 

For example, you may add context to the function run() in the following manner:

def run(item, context):

January 26th, 2022

Users can activate UI Slots from the SDK with the service.activate_slots function:

service.activate_slots(project_id=''", slots=slots)
Users can create a pipeline through the SDK by providing a pipeline_name and project_id:
project = dl.projects.get(project_id=<”project_id”>)
pipeline = project.pipelines.create(name=<”name”>, project_id=<”project_id”>)

Click here for more information about class Pipelines functions.

January 11th, 2022

When updating item status, you will need to provide the task_id or assignment_id as the item may be included in a number of tasks/assignments.

January 3rd 2022

Now in package.push there is the ability to add requirements.
For example, if your code requires openCV to run, you will need to specify openCV as a requirement.

To set requirements:

package = project.packages.push(
dl.PackageRequirement(name='<name>', version='<version>'),
dl.PackageRequirement(name='<name>', version='<version>', operator=<operator>)

Requirements can be added through this script or added as a separate file in the directory that is pushed.

Added creator attribute to item: item.creator