Service Page
  • 15 Aug 2024
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Service Page

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Article summary


The Service Analytics page typically offers a comprehensive overview of key metrics and insights related to a specific FaaS service within an organization. This page allows you to monitor services, view the status and details of executions, access service logs, examine trigger details, and review service instances.

Access the Service Analytics Page

To access the Service analytics page, do as follows:

  1. Select CloudOps > Services from the left-side menu.
  2. Identify the service and click on the Service Name or double-click on anywhere on the service row. It opens the Service page. By default, the Monitoring tab is displayed.

The main sections of the service page are explained below.

Section 1: Analytics Tabs


The Monitoring tab furnishes information about the service through the following metric widgets:

  • CPU/Memory Utilization: The service CPU/Memory utilization (%) charts shows the minimum, maximum, and average percentage of CPU or Memory being used across all service instances over time.
  • CPU/Memory Utilization per Instances: The CPU utilization (%) per instance chart shows the percentage of CPU or Memory being used per service instance over time. When aggregating per hour/day, the max() value will be displayed.
  • Queue Size: This widget provides insights into the number of service to be processed by the function.
  • Number of Instances: It displays the number of service instances over time.
  • Execution Duration: It displays the time duration for each service executions.
  • Execution Over Time: It displays the number of executions over time.
  • Executions Success/Failed: It displays the number of executions that are success or failed over time.
  • Executions by Functions: It displays service executions by functions.

The graph metrics can be viewed in second, minute, hour, and includes a glossary of color per function. Also, you can download each metric data in a CSV format.


The executions tab displays the list of service executions and its details, also allows you to perform actions that are specific to the selected execution, including:

  • Use the smart search field to search executions by:
    • Execution ID
    • Function name
    • Item ID
    • Pipeline ID, Name, Cycle, or Node
    • Project ID or Name
    • Execution Status
    • Trigger ID
    • Updated Timestamp
  • Use the Calendar to filter executions by a specific timestamp.
  • View total number of executions, number of success and failed executions.
  • Rerun one or more executions
  • Click on an execution will display a right-side panel with the details of the selected execution, including general details, contexts (generated by pipeline or application), inputs and outputs. Also, it allows you to perform the following execution actions:
    • Copy Execution ID
    • Copy Service ID
    • Copy Project ID
    • Copy Pipeline ID
    • Copy Model ID
  • Click on the Project Name allows you to view the project dashboard page.
  • Click on the View Execution Logs to view the logs tab, where you can see more details of the executions.

The list of execution shows the following column details:

Execution IDAn unique ID of the execution. Click on the Copy icon allows you to copy the ID.
StatusThe Status of the execution, including Success, Failed, Rerun, etc.
Created AtThe execution creation date.
Started AtThe execution start date.
Last Updated atThe execution last updated date.
FunctionThe name of the function of the execution.
ProjectThe name of the project where execution is a key component.


The Logs tab displays executions of the selected service, including application installation processes (from initialization to completion) in all the projects. Also, allows you to perform actions that are specific to the logs, including:

  • Use the smart search field to search logs by:
    • Execution ID
    • Function name
    • Pipeline Cycle ID, Pipeline Node ID, and Pipeline ID
    • Project ID
    • Replica ID
  • Use free text to search logs
  • Use log levels to filter the logs including Critical, Error and higher, Warning and higher, Info and higher, and Debug and higher (all).
  • Use the Calendar to filter logs by a specific timestamp.
  • Click on the Copy icon to copy the log content in the JSON format.

The list of logs shows the following column details:

TimestampThe timestamp of the log creation.
LevelThe level category of the log.
Function NameThe name of the function of the service.
ContentThe content details of the execution log.


The triggers tab displays available event and cron triggers for the services. Also, it allows you to perform actions that are specific to the selected trigger, including:

  • Use the smart search field to search triggers by:
    • Event trigger actions
    • Execution Mode
    • Trigger creation and update Timestamp
    • Trigger name and ID
    • Function name
    • Pipeline ID and Node ID
    • Resource name
  • View total number of triggers, number of active and inactive triggers.
  • Click on a trigger will display a right-side panel with the details of the selected trigger, including general details and DQL filter details. Also, it allows you to perform the following trigger actions:
    • Copy Trigger ID
    • Copy Service ID
    • Edit DQL Filter
    • Activate/Pause Trigger
    • Edit Trigger
    • View Trigger Executions
    • Delete Trigger

The list of event triggers shows the following column details:

Trigger NameThe name of the trigger.
StatusActive/Inactive status of the trigger.
FunctionFunction name of the trigger.
PendingThe number of pending executions created by this trigger.
ResourceThe resource name defined in the event trigger.
ActionsThe action defined in the event trigger.
ModeIt displays the trigger execution mode.
Activate/Deactivate Trigger iconA play/pause button to activate or deactivate the event trigger.
Created AtThe trigger creation date.
Updated AtThe trigger update date.
PipelineIt displays the pipeline name if this is a pipeline trigger. Clicking on the link will enable you to view the pipeline page.
Pipeline NodeIt displays the pipeline node name if this is a pipeline trigger.

The list of cron triggers shows the following column details:

Trigger NameThe name of the trigger.
StatusActive/Inactive status of the trigger.
FunctionFunction name of the trigger.
PendingThe number of pending executions created by this trigger.
Last ScheduleThe creation time of the last execution of the cron trigger.
Next ScheduleThe creation time of the next execution of the cron trigger.
Activate/Deactivate Trigger iconA play/pause button to activate or deactivate the cron trigger.
Created AtThe trigger creation date.
Updated AtThe trigger update date.
PipelineIt displays the pipeline name if this is a pipeline trigger. Clicking on the link will enable you to view the pipeline page.
Pipeline NodeIt displays the pipeline node name if this is a pipeline trigger.


The instances tab displays instance details of the selected FaaS service. When an event triggers a function, the FaaS platform creates an instance of that function to handle the event. Each instance is independent and stateless, meaning it doesn't retain information between invocations.
Also, it allows you to perform actions that are specific to the instances, including:

  • Use the free text search field to search instances by:
    • Instance Name
    • Machine Type
  • Filter instances by using the status:
    • Running
    • Initializing
    • Failed
  • Use the Calendar to filter instances by a specific timestamp.
  • Click on an instance will display a right-side panel with the details of the selected instance, including Current CPU/Memory Utilization and overall CPU/Memory Utilization.

The list of instances shows the following column details:

Instance NameThe name of the instance.
StatusStatus including Running, Initializing, and Failed of the instance.
Machine TypeThe type of the machine used to for the service.
RestartThe number of restarts of the service since the last service update.
Last RestartThe timestamp of the last service restart.
Created AtThe instance creation date.

Section 2: Service Page Actions

The service page allows you to perform the following actions for your service:

  • Deactivate/Resume Service: It allows you to deactivate or activate the service
  • Edit Service Settings: It allows you to make changes on the Service Installation Configuration page, where you can add new triggers, edit service configuration.
  • Open VS Code: It opens the VS Code page and allows you to debug FaaS application services.
  • Add Trigger: It allows you to add a new trigger for the service.
  • Activate UI Slots: It allows you to activate the UI button to enable you to invoke and execute the functions from different places in the platform.
  • Open GitHub: It allows you to open the GitHub Code reference for the selected model. It will be unavailable if there is no fixed model selected.
  • View Audit Logs: It allows you to view the Audit Logs page related to your service.
  • Uninstall Service: It allows you to uninstall the service. Deleting a service may have unintended implications for related objects including Pipelines, UI slots, etc.

Service Details

Clicking on the service details displays details of the service, including:

  • Service ID: Click on the copy icon to copy the Service ID.
  • Application: It displays the application name.
    • Click on the name to open the Manage Installations page of the Marketplace.
    • Click on the copy icon to copy the application ID.
  • Version: The application version (package/DPK) that is running on the service.
  • Machine Type: The type of the machine used to for the service.
  • Created By: Email ID and Avatar of the user who created the service.
  • Service Created and Updated date
  • Scope: It displays as "project" since it is part of a project.
  • Service Bot ID: It displays the Bot ID. Click on the copy icon to copy the Service Bot Username.
  • Model type and name: It displays the model type and name. Click on the copy icon to copy the Model ID.