Services Overview
  • 12 Feb 2025
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Services Overview

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Article summary

The services tab provides you the comprehensive list of all applications service installations created from the application package and DPK.


A serverless computing Service allows users to run code without the need to manage servers or infrastructure. It can also be conceptualized as a deployed package that serves the code. When provided with the matching input for a function, it runs and returns the output.

The list of services shows the following column details:

Service NameThe name of the service and click on it to open the respective service page. Click on the Copy icon to copy the Service ID.
PendingThe number of executions that are pending, for example, the status is Created.
ScopeThe project where the service is deployed.
StatusThe status of the services. To learn more, refer to the Service Status section.
ApplicationThe name of the application to which the service belongs.
InstancesIt displays the number of the instances. The execution last updated date.
Machine TypeThe name of the machine type used to run the service.
VersionThe version number of the application (codebase) or package deployed by the service. To update it, click on the Update button when available.
Created ByThe avatar and email ID of the user who created the service.
Created AtThe timestamp of the service creation.
Updated ByThe avatar and email ID of the user who updated the service.
Updated AtThe timestamp of the service update.
FunctionsThe number of functions available for the service, such as evaluate_model, predict_dataset, etc.
Play or Pause icon
  • Play icon: Click on the Play icon to resume the services that are paused.
  • Pause icon: Click on the Pause icon to pause the services that are active.

Schema Based Search and Filter

Schema Search is an integral component of the CloudOps, providing users with the capability to refine and narrow down the displayed services based on specific criteria. These filters offer a powerful tool for managing and exploring large information efficiently.

Click on the search field and specify the following criteria to perform a search. Press the Enter key to initiate the search:

Search CriteriaDescriptionConditionsData Types
applicationFilter services based on the application ID and name. For example, or, !=, IN, NOT-INString
functionFilter services based on the service functions.=, !=, IN, NOT-INString
modelFilter services based on the model ID and name. For example, or, !=, IN, NOT-INString
serviceFilter services based on the service ID and name. For example, or, !=, IN, NOT-INString

You can utilize the filter functionality by specifying the following criteria:

Filter VariableDescription
Channel - ModelIt displays services such as predict, train, and evaluation services.
Status - ActiveIt displays services that are in active status.
Status - InactiveIt displays services that are in inactive status.
Scope - Active ProjectBy default, it displays all the services or apps in the current project.
Scope - All My ProjectsIt displays all the services or apps in the projects that the current user has access.
Scope - PublicIt displays Dataloop global services and apps.

Service Details

Selecting a service displays more information of the service on the right-side panel. The Details tab includes the following sections:

  • Service Actions: The service page allows you to perform various service related action.
  • General Details:
    • Service ID: Click on the copy icon to copy the Service ID.
    • Application: It displays the application name.
      • Click on the name to open the Manage Installations page of the Marketplace.
      • Click on the copy icon to copy the application ID.
    • Version: The application version (package/DPK) that is running on the service.
    • Machine Type: The type of the machine used to for the service.
    • Created By: Email ID and Avatar of the user who created the service.
    • Service Created and Updated date
    • Service Bot ID: It displays the Bot ID. Click on the copy icon to copy the Service Bot Username.
    • Model type and name: It displays the model type and name. Click on the copy icon to copy the Model ID.
    • Also, you can perform the following actions:
      • Copy Service ID
      • Copy Package ID
      • Edit Service Configuration
      • Copy email ID of the user who created and updated the service.
  • Instances: The Instances section provides you the number of instances of the function.
  • Executions: The Executions section provides you the number of executions available in the service. You can view details, such as execution ID, status, and creation date. Also, click on the execution ID to open the Executions tab of the service. To learn more, refer to the Execution article.
  • Functions: The Functions section provides you the name of the functions available in the service.
  • Triggers: The Triggers section provides you the number of triggers available in the service. Also, it provides trigger name, trigger type, and status. To learn more, refer to the Trigger article. Click on the Click here to add a new trigger.

Service Actions

The service page allows you to perform the following actions for your service:

How to Resume or Deactivate Services?

It allows you to deactivate or activate the service.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions, select:
    1. Deactivate Service: Click on it to deactivate the service that is in Active status.
    2. Resume Service: Click on it to resume the service that is in Inactive status.

How to Edit Service Settings?

It allows you to make changes on the Service Installation Configuration page, where you can add new triggers, edit service configuration.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions, select the Edit Service Settings option from the list. The Edit Service window is displayed.
  4. In the Settings section, review the following details and make changes, if needed:
    1. init inputs value (1): The initial input or configuration values provided to a function when it is first invoked or initialized. The values are displayed, if the init inputs are defined in the dpk/dpkConfig.
      1. Hover over and click on the Edit Init Input to add a new value.
      2. Enter a value and click Save Changes.
    2. Secrets and Integrations: The secret values are displayed, if the secret is defined in the dpk/dpkConfig.
      1. Click on the Edit Secret to select secret(s) from the list. Also, you can search secrets by using the secret names and type.
        1. To create a new secret, click Edit Secret -> Create New -> Create Secret to create a new secret.
        2. To create a new Integration, click Edit Secret -> Create New -> Create Integration to create a new integration.
      2. Click Save Changes.
    3. Service Configuration: Click on the Edit Configuration to make changes to the following fields, if needed:
      1. Machine Types: The machine type on which the service will run (refers to CPU, GPU, RAM).
        1. Change the machine type from the list.
        2. Click on the Machine Settings to enable Preemptible Machine, the reclaimable compute instances.
      2. Docker Image: A container image encapsulating essential dependencies and code for service execution. By default, the docker image based on the SDK version is displayed.
      3. Concurrency: Number of concurrent executions per instance. By default, the value 1 is displayed.
      4. Scaling Type: Choose the scaling type based on your workload.
        1. Autoscale: A component of the Dataloop FaaS system that automatically adjusts the number of serverless computing Resources allocated to the FaaS Service based on current demand. The purpose of the Autoscaler is to ensure that the system can handle peaks in demand without over provisioning Resources and incurring unnecessary costs.
          1. Min Instances: By default, 0. If you set the min instances to 0, the service will not run until it has something in the queue, it will be suspended.
          2. Max Instances: By Default, 10.
          3. Queue Size: By default, 10.
        2. Fixed size: By default, 1 instance is selected.
    4. Execution Configuration: Click on the Execution Configuration to make changes on the following fields:
      1. SDK Version: The SDK version is displayed.
      2. Execution Timeout: The maximum execution duration before service restarts (in seconds). By default, 3600 is displayed.
      3. Drain Time: Delays service restart to complete ongoing executions (in seconds). By default, 600 is displayed.
      4. On Reset Action: Action taken when a service is reset or restarted (e.g. timeout). Select one of the following when you reset the execution.
        1. Fail Execution
        2. Rerun Execution
      5. Max Attempts: Configures to automatically retry failed executions up to x attempts. Maximum number of execution attempts allowed. By default, 3 is displayed.
      6. Bot: A dummy user used for running the service ('developer' role). A default Bot is displayed. Select a new one from the list, if needed.
      7. Rerun executions as process: Defines if each execution will start a new thread or a process. Enable to make the execution as a process.
  5. In the Triggers (Optional), review and make changes, if needed:
    1. Click on the Pause/Play icon to deactivate/activate the trigger.
    2. Click Add Trigger to add a new trigger.
    3. Click on the Delete button to delete the trigger. A confirmation message is displayed.
  6. Click Save Changes to update the changes. A confirmation message is displayed.

How to Open Service Page?

You can either click on the service name from the CloudOps > Services tab or, follow the steps:

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select Open Service Page. It opens the Monitoring tab of the service page. To learn more, refer to the Service Page article.

How to Open VS Code?

It allows you to open the VS Code page and allows you to debug application services.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select Open VS Code. To learn more, refer to the Open VS Code article.

How to Add a Trigger to the Service?

It allows you to add a new trigger for the service. To learn more, Trigger article.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select Add Trigger from the list.
    1. Trigger Name: Enter a trigger name. By default, a trigger name based on the service name is displayed.

    2. Function: Select a function from the available list for the trigger to execute it. By default, a function is displayed. If the function has “item” input, then “item” will be the default value in the resource field.

    3. Trigger Type: The Event based and Cron based triggers are available. If function inputs are not supported by event triggers, then cron trigger will be the default selection, and you cannot select “event” trigger.

      1. Event Type: It allows you to invoke a function in response to specific system events, using the triggering resource as the function's input.
        1. Resource: Select an entity type from the list. Event triggers support only the following types of function inputs: Item, Dataset, Model, Task, Assignment, and Annotation.
        2. Resource Filter: It allows you to filter any items or set a criteria (DQL filter) to target specific resources or events, ensuring the trigger responds only to these specified conditions.
        3. Events: Select the event (update, create, delete, etc.) that will trigger the function for the selected resource.
      2. Cron Type: It allows you to schedule the selected function to run at specific times by using a cron expression to define the execution intervals. Enter a specific schedule by using the cron expressions.

      Cron expressions format

      0 * * * *Every hour
      */15 * * * *Every 15 mins
      0 */2 * * *Every 2 hours
      0 18 * * 1-6Every week Mon-Sat at 6pm
      10 2 * * 6,7Every Sat and Sun on 2:10am
      0 0 * * 0Every Sunday midnight

      For example,

      MinuteHourDay of MonthMonthDay of Week

      Result is Schedule: At 0 minutes past the hour, every 2 hours.

      1. Start At: The current date is displayed by default. Select a start date to set a time frame for the cron event.
      2. End At: This option is disabled by default, so there is no end date. To select an end date, uncheck the Never checkbox.

How to Activate UI Slots?

It allows you to activate the UI button to enable you to invoke and execute the functions from different places in the platform. You can activate UI slots only if the function has UI slots.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select the Activate UI Slots from the list. To learn more, refer to the Activate UI Slots article.

How to Open GitHub Code?

It allows you to open the GitHub Code reference for the selected model. It will be unavailable if there is no fixed model selected.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select the Open GitHub Code from the list. It opens the respective GitHub repository.

How to View Audit Logs?

It allows you to view the Audit Logs page related to your service.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select the View Audit Logs from the list. The Audit Logs page is displayed.

How to Delete Services?

It allows you to uninstall the service. Deleting a service may have unintended implications for related objects including pipelines, UI slots, etc.

  1. Open CloudOps from the left-side menu.
  2. Select the service from the list. A right-side panel will be displayed.
  3. Click on the Service Actions.
  4. Select the Delete Service. A confirmation message is displayed.
  5. Click Yes to delete the service.