Sign up & Login
  • 19 Jun 2024
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Sign up & Login

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Article summary


To Sign Up or Log in to the Dataloop platform, perform the following steps.

Sign Up

  1. Click on

  2. Click on the Sign-Up or Login. A Welcome popup is displayed.

  3. Click the Sign up. By default, the Log in option is displayed.

  4. Enter your Email ID and click Continue.

  5. Enter a new Password and click Continue. A verification email will be received in your email.

  6. Open the verification email and click Confirm My Account. The user onboarding page is displayed.

  7. Select your Project Role in the Organization.

    Designations and Roles in the Project
    • AI Leadership -> Owner
    • ML/DS Developer -> Developer
    • Data Engineer -> Developer
    • Software Developer -> Developer
    • Annotation Manager -> Annotation Manager
  8. Enter your Organization name and click Continue.

  9. Enter your project name and click Continue.

  10. (Optional) Invite your team members by adding emails of your team members. The Getting Started page is displayed and start your activities as required.

Features are displayed based on your role

The Getting Started page displays features based on your user role.

Log In

  1. Click on
  2. Click on the Sign-Up or Login. A Welcome popup with the Log in option is displayed.
  3. Enter your Email ID and click Continue.
  4. Enter a new Password and click Continue. The My Projects page is displayed and start your activities as required.

Don’t remember your password?

  1. Click on
  2. Click on the** Sign-Up** or Login.
  3. If you forget your password, click the Don’t remember your password? link. A Reset your password popup page is displayed.
  4. Enter your email ID to reset the password.
  5. Click Send. A Reset your password email is received, and the login page is displayed.
  6. Open the email and click click here link to confirm the password change. A Change Password page is displayed.
  7. Enter a new password and confirm your new password.
  8. Click the Forward arrow. A confirmation message is displayed.
  9. Perform the Login steps to log in into the Dataloop.

Log Out

To log out from the Dataloop platform:

  1. Click on your user profile icon, on the top-right end.
  2. Click the Log out option from the list.

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