Video JSON Format
  • 03 Jun 2024
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Video JSON Format

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Article summary

This page describes Video JSON, a data format for describing Video data in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
This JSON code includes the entity's data related to our software and its metadata.

The Video Annotation JSON file records KeyFrames and automated frames, not reflected frames.

In other words, an annotation in a specific frame that has not changed since the previous frame is not recorded in the JSON file. If the annotation is not the same as in the previous frame (for example, due to change in position, label, attribute, etc.), the annotation is recorded in the JSON file.


Dataloop recommends you read frame through the SDK, as it allows you to read annotations at any frame/point in time, even in reflected frames (which are not recorded in the JSON).

Video JSON Format

annotations": [
			"id": "64c1212ea3437caa020724c2",
			"datasetId": "64903809e358489517d0927f",
			"itemId": "6490382b56ff3d06b33ba7db",
			"url": "",
			"item": "",
			"dataset": "",
			"type": "box",
			"label": "Body BB",
			"attributes": [],
			"metadata": {
				"user": {},
				"system": {
					"status": null,
					"startTime": 0,
					"endTime": 54.33154787931788,
					"frame": 0,
					"endFrame": 618,
					"snapshots_": [
							"fixed": true,
							"frame": 15,
							"objectVisible": false,
							"data": [
									"x": 636.2031034482759,
									"y": 606.0389655172414,
									"z": 0
									"x": 779.3031034482758,
									"y": 925.0089655172415,
									"z": 0
							"label": "Body BB",
							"attributes": [],
							"namedAttributes": {}
					"promptId": null,
					"parentId": null,
					"clientId": "ec04dbb6-b85f-44b6-90fe-256cbb697fd8",
					"automated": false,
					"objectId": "512",
					"attributes": {},
					"system": false,
					"itemLinks": [],
					"openAnnotationVersion": "1.65.0-prod.9",
					"recipeId": "6490380a270b1d5a6bfff5ab"
			"creator": "",
			"createdAt": "2023-07-26T13:35:42.877Z",
			"updatedBy": "",
			"updatedAt": "2023-07-26T13:47:40.521Z",
			"hash": "149d6e93bc24e0de9e1e1a8637470824eb532563",
			"source": "ui",
			"coordinates": [
					"x": 522.41,
					"y": 593.97,
					"z": 0
					"x": 665.51,
					"y": 912.94,
					"z": 0

Video JSON Fields Description

Key NameDefinitionParent Key
idAnnotation idannotations
datasetIdDataset idannotations
itemIdId of the itemannotations
urlAPI URL of the annotationannotations
itemAPI URL of the itemannotations
datasetAPI URL of the datasetannotations
typeAnnotation typeannotations
labelAnnotation labelannotations
attributesAnnotation attributesannotations
metadataInformation about the annotationannotations
userMetadata added by user via SDKmetadata
systemAnnotation system informationmetadata
statusAnnotation status (e.g., null/issue/review)system
startTimeStart time of the annotation in the videosystem
endTimeEnd time of the annotation in the videosystem
frameFrame when the annotation appears in the videosystem
endFrameLast frame the annotation appears in the videosystem
snapshots_Snapshot information relevant to video annotationsystem
fixedShows if the frame is a fixed framesnapshots_
frameSnapshot frame numbersnapshots_
objectVisibleStatus of annotation (true = visible, false = hidden)snapshots_
dataCoordination in each snapshotsnapshots_
labelSnapshot labelsnapshots_
attributesSnapshots attributessnapshots_
namedAttributesattributes that appear on all annotationssnapshots_
parentIdId of parent annotationsystem
clientIdAnnotation created in UI (clientId when not saved)system
automatedTrue = Annotation created by automation processsystem
objectIdSequential mark for annotationssystem
attributesInformation about the annotation attributessystem
systemShows if annotation is a system annotationsystem
itemLinksThe connection between ‘snapshot’ annotation (like snapping a frame from a video) to the newly created image item.system
openAnnotationVersionPlatform versionsystem
recipeIdId of the recipesystem
creatorUser who created the annotationannotations
createdAtDate and time when annotation was createdannotations
updatedByUser who updated the annotationannotations
updatedAtDate and time when annotation was last updatedannotations
hashUsed to map annotation’s data to a stringannotations
sourceWhere the annotation was created: UI/SDKannotations
coordinatesAnnotation position coordinatessystem